新英语交谈(附光盘下译注版美国英语听说教程) 外语/语言文字.

  • 新英语交谈(附光盘下译注版美国英语听说教程) 外语/语言文字.
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  • 产品名称:新英语交谈美国英语听说教...
  • 是否是套装:否
  • 书名:新英语交谈美国英语听说教程(下)(译注版)
  • 定价:24.90元
  • 出版社名称:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版时间:1999年4月
  • 作者:理查兹
  • 开本:16开
  • 书名:新英语交谈美国英语听说教程(下)(译注版)
To the student
Publisher's note on the bilingual edition
Unit 1
Conversation 1Don't I know you from somewhere@
1. Conversational openings
2. Asking if you've met before
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Conversation 2I've heard a lot about you!
1. Making small talk(1)
2. Introducing friends
3. Making small talk(2)
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Person to Person
Unit 2
Conversation 1Where can you get it cleaned@
1. Asking where services are located
2. Describing buildings
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Conversation 2Where are the ladies' gloves@
1. Asking for directions in a store(1)
2. Asking for directions in a store(2)
3. Asking for directions in a mall
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Person to Person
Unit 3
Conversation 1Could I please speak to Helen@
1. Asking to speak to someone
2. Offering to take a message
3. Writing messages down
Conversation 2I'm sorry. Her line is busy right now.
1. Asking to speak to someone
2. Leaving a message
3. Calling for information
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Person to Person
Unit 4
Conversation 1What can we do@
1. Identifying a problem
2. Making suggestions
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Conversation 2What would you do@
Asking for and giving advice
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Person to Person
Unit 5
Conversation 1Haven't you heard yet@
1. Asking about other people
2. Giving information about other people
3. Reacting to good and bad news
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Conversation 2Wait a minute. Was she hurt@
1. Asking for more details
2. Interrupting for details
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Person to Person
Unit 6
Conversation 1I feel terrible.
1. Talking about symptoms
2. Giving advice
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Conversation 2I'd like to get this prescription filled.
1. Talking about prescriptions
2. Asking about non-prescription drugs
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Person to Person
Unit 7
Conversation 1Hey! What's this thing@
1. Describing what objects are used for
2. Giving instructions
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Conversation 2What else will I need@
1. Discussing needs and requirements
2. Getting clarification
3. Talking about consequences
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Person to Person
Unit 8
Conversation 1What kind of place is that@
1. Asking about types of hotels
2. Asking for details
3. Making a reservation
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Conversation 2I'd like to check in,please.
1. Checking in
2. Making requests
3. Calling hotel services
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Person to Person
Unit 9
Conversation 1If you like shopping...
1. Getting information
2. Discussing possible activities
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Conversation 2How do I get there@
1. Asking about public transportation
2. Talking about tours
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Person to Person
Unit 10
Conversation 1Do you know who that woman is@
1. Asking who someone is
2. Identifying someone
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Conversation 2What's she like@
1. Asking what someone is like
2. Discussing qualities
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Person to Person
Unit 11
Conversation 1Have you ever tried parachuting@
1. Discussing experiences(1)
2. Discussing experiences(2)
3. Discussing experiences(3)
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Conversation 2I'll never forget the time I...
Relating a personal experience
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Person to Person
Unit 12
Conversation 1What did you think of the movie@
1. Asking and giving opinions
2. Agreeing and disagreeing with opinions
3. Giving reasons
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Conversation 2If you ask me...
1. Social issues-agreeing and disagreeing
2. Seeing the other side
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Person to Person
Let's talk
Study Guide


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